I committed the first murder
I was most evil (than all the kings before me)
My son died because of my disobedience
I betrayed the Son of God with a kiss
I plotted the extermination of the Jewish people
I led a revolt against my father
I rebuilt Jericho by sacrificing my children
I stole money from the ministry
I was an adulterer and a murderer
I lied to the Holy Spirit
Who Am I?
Can you guess who these bad boys are? You have to guess quickly and accurately.
Just as importantly, we will share a key scriptural truth that you can apply to your life. So that you can discover who the bible says you are!
Because you can’t truly know who you are until you know who God made you to be.
About biblestorm_admin
At BibleStorm, our mission is to illuminate hidden truths found in God's Word (i.e. the bible). Our vision is to see people become more familiar with the bible, biblical themes and concepts and to develop a hunger/desire to learn more about God through His Word. We are doing our part to seek the kingdom of God and spread the good news of salvation through bible trivia. And to help people transform their minds through the living Word of God. Get your very own trivia cards today.
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